8 Project Ideas for Aspiring Web and Mobile
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1. E-commerce Website:
Build a fully functional online store with features like product listings, shopping cart, and secure payment processing.
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2. Social Media App:
Create a social networking app with user profiles, posts, likes, and comments.
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3. Fitness Tracker:
Develop a mobile app to track and visualize fitness metrics, such as steps, calories, and workouts.
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4. Gender Equality Initiatives:
equality and women's rights.
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5. E-Learning Platform:
Build a web
for online courses, including user registration, video lessons, and quizzes.
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6. Weather App:
Create a mobile app that provides real-time weather information based on user location.
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7. Travel Booking Website:
Develop a platform for users to search, book, and manage travel arrangements, including
and accommodations.
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8. Task Manager App:
Design a mobile app for organizing and prioritizing tasks and to-do lists with notifications and reminders.
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