Java Project Ideas for Beginners

Scribbled Underline

1. To-Do List Application: Create a simple to-do list manager with task tracking and priority features.

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2. Basic Calculator: Build a calculator application that performs arithmetic operations.

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3. Weather App: Develop an app that retrieves and displays weather information based on user input or location.

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4. Student Record System: Create a program to manage student records, including basic information and grades.

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5. Library Management System: Build a system to manage books, users, and borrowing records in a library.

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6. Expense Tracker: Design an application for tracking personal expenses and generating reports.

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7. Simple Chat Application: Create a basic chat application that allows users to send and receive messages.

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8. Mini E-commerce Site: Build a simplified online shopping platform with product listings and a shopping cart.

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9. BMI Calculator: Develop a program that calculates and interprets a user's Body Mass Index (BMI).

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10. Quiz Game: Create an interactive quiz game with multiple-choice questions and score tracking.

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