7+ Best Native American Project Ideas

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1. Create a Native American totem pole Totem poles are carved wooden poles that tell the stories of Native American families and clans. They are often decorated with animals, symbols, etc.

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2. Make a corn husk doll Corn husk dolls are traditional Native American crafts that were made by children and adults alike. 

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3. Build a model of a Native American home Native American homes varied depending on the tribe and the region in which they lived. 

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4. Create a Native American mural: Native American murals are a great way to learn about Native American culture and history. 

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5. Research and write a report on a Native American tribe: There are over 500 federally recognized Native American tribes in the United States. 

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6. Create a Native American dance costume: Native American dance costumes are often very colorful and elaborate. They can be made from a variety of materials.

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7. Learn a Native American song or dance: Native American songs and dances are a great way to learn about Native American culture and traditions. 

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